ITS Services

We partner with our customers and private sector companies to optimize the use of information technology resources for enhanced delivery of government services. ITS understands technology is the driving force behind your daily operations and we offer a full range of solutions designed to put technology to work for you.


To report a cybersecurity incident, please fill out and submit the details of the incident via the form below.

Per the requirements of the State of Mississippi Enterprise Security Program and state law, state agencies must report all cybersecurity incidents involving their information and information systems, whether managed by the state agency, contractor, or other source. "Agency" means and includes all the various state agencies, officers, departments, boards, commissions, offices, and institutions of the state. Additionally, any entity that participates in the Enterprise State Network managed by ITS is considered within scope of this document and is required to adhere to the requirements within. Mississippi governing authorities, who wish to voluntarily comply with the reporting process, are invited to do so.

Each agency must report cybersecurity incidents to ITS no later than the close of the next business day following the discovery of the incident.

A cybersecurity incident is an event that actually or imminently jeopardizes, without lawful authority, the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of information or an information system; or a violation or imminent threat of cybersecurity policies, acceptable use policies, or standard cybersecurity practices. this also includes cyberattacks where there is an attempt to gain illegal access, including any data breach, to a computer, computer system or computer network for purposes of causing damage, disruption or harm as well as ransomware.

For detailed information regarding the guidelines for cybersecurity incident reporting, please refer to the information below.