About ITS

We are committed to ensuring that the State of Mississippi receives the maximum use and benefit from information technology and services and to assisting our customers as they strive to reduce costs by capitalizing on shared technology and fully leveraging the State Data Centers to meet their technology needs.


ITS Directors

  • Craig Orgeron
    Executive Director
    (601) 432-8000
  • Stephanie Hedgepeth
    Chief Administrative Officer
    (601) 432-8237
  • Brian Norwood
    Chief Operations Officer
    (601) 432-8182
  • Jay White
    Chief Information Security Officer
    (601) 432-8180
  • Steve Patterson
    Data Services Director
    (601) 432-8117
  • Hailey Tucker
    Human Resources Director
    (601) 432-8219
  • Holly Savorgnan
    Internal Services Director
    (601) 432-8102
  • Rebecca Henley
    Procurement Services Director
    (601) 432-8096
  • Lisa Kuyrkendall
    Telecom  Services Director
    (601) 432-8015

